Our Commitment

How MedicalNote.ai Protects Your Privacy

At MedicalNote.ai, we take your privacy extremely seriously. We use advanced security measures to ensure your personal and health information remains confidential and protected at all times.

Our Privacy Promises to You:

  • No long-term storage of personal data or consultation details
  • All data encrypted in transit and at rest using advanced standards
  • Opted out of any third-party AI training on your data
  • Isolated, secure data processing environment with strict controls
  • Secure routine deletion of all temporary files every 24 hours
  • Commitment to protecting your privacy and earning your trust

Temporary Storage of Personal Data:

We do not store any of your personal information or consultation details long-term. Any audio recordings and transcripts are temporarily stored only to generate your medical notes, then permanently deleted from our systems once the consultation is complete.

Encryption for Data Security:

All data is encrypted both when being transmitted (in transit) and when stored temporarily on our secure servers (at rest). We use industry-standard encryption protocols like SSL to safeguard your information.

Opt-Out from Third-Party Data Usage:

We have completely opted out to prevent the third-party AI providers we use from training their models on any data provided through our services. Your information is not used for anything beyond generating your consultation notes.

Isolated Data Processing:

Your consultation data is processed in an isolated, secure environment with strict access controls. It is transmitted directly to our transcription provider, transcribed, then passed to the language model - never touching external systems. The entire process is seamlessly automated with no manual handling.

Secure Deletion Process:

In addition to deleting all files after each consultation, we also run a routine deletion process every 24 hours to purge any temporary files still remaining on our servers due to any potential system issues.

Our Privacy Pledge:

At MedicalNote.ai, we go to great lengths to maintain the confidentiality of your personal health information. From implementing industry-leading encryption, to isolating data processing, to secure deletion protocols - we have robust technical safeguards in place. We have also opted out of allowing third parties to use your data for any purpose beyond generating your consultation notes. You can feel confident that when using our service, your privacy receives maximum protection.

Privacy Policy: Click Here!

Terms and Conditions: Click Here!

Contact Us: Click Here!